Day 12-13: Moving

I have written poems everyday. The problem is that the love poem part seems to be much harder this year than last year. Perhaps part of the problem is that I have been struck down with illness after having nursed my family out of the flu or cold or strep or pink eye, et cetera, et cetera. 

So today I thought I would concentrate really hard right now on writing something truly about love. 


Like moving from home to home

Without any help — just you and me

And a huge rented van every few years

Or so — we would take all our baggage 

And furniture — and later one baby

After another and another and another

Negotiating hallways and stairwells

Elevators and garages and sticky keys

And the seasons — remember 

The green and yellow menacing

Cloud rising with the wind off 

The shoulders of the trees 

From the window of our new condo

Across the pond in a fair city

Or the moose that wandered

Into the yard of our country home

Remember the dogs — now gone —

How they ran to he alpaca farm

Over and over again? And the people

who let us play with their yard toys.

And the lady next door who hated children

And complained until the landlord

Had to write a letter to us and I cried

And then we moved over and over

From one coast to another

And life was full of adventure

And stress but we were together 

And that was all that mattered

And someday we will move again

The children will take their things

And go and leave us — or not — but 

In the end all we will have is each other

Until one of us is left to move alone.

Note: In my young adult days I moved around quite a bit. And then a little more while we had kids. 

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